Only the governor can grant the commutation of a sentence after a favorable recommendation from the Pardon Board. Learn more and apply for commutation of your sentence below.
In Louisiana, only the Governor can grant a commutation of sentence after a favorable recommendation from the Pardon Board. Applying does not imply or guarantee that the Pardon Board will favorably recommend a commutation or that the Governor will approve the recommendation.
Commutation of Sentence. A person may not be considered for a commutation of sentence unless he or she has been granted a hearing by the Pardon Board and has had his or her case placed upon a Pardon Board docket. A person who is serving a life sentence resulting from a commutation of sentence of death shall not thereafter be eligible to apply for a commutation of sentence to a specific number of years. An executive pardon shall not be considered for an incarcerated applicant except when exceptional circumstances exist.
Once the application has been reviewed and accepted by Board staff, the applicant will be notified to run an advertisement in the official journal where the offense occurred. The applicant must provide the Board’s office with proof of the advertisement within 90 days from the date of the notice. Once proof of advertisement is received, the applicant will be assessed a fee of $200.00 payable to the Department of Public Safety & Corrections for a clemency investigation to be conducted by the Division of Probation and Parole. After completion of the investigation, the case will be docketed. If the applicant receives a disciplinary write-up during any part of the process, the application will be closed.
All letters of support must be received by the Board’s office within 30 days of the applicant’s scheduled hearing date. Letters may be typed or handwritten on one side of the page only. Please do not staple or bind the letters together. Letters must include the applicant’s name and DOC number.
During the investigation process, the victim(s) and/or victim’s representative(s), the judicial representative and district attorney from the parish of conviction, the arresting law enforcement agency, and the attorney general’s office will be notified and asked to make any comments regarding the applicant’s request.
Once a hearing has been scheduled, the applicant will appear before the Pardon Board either in person or via videoconferencing at the applicant’s housing facility. During the hearing, the Board will make their decision to either make a favorable recommendation to the Governor or deny the applicant’s request. If a favorable recommendation is made, the application will be forwarded to the Governor’s office. The Governor will make the final decision to either grant or deny the recommendation.
The applicant should take the following steps in completing the application:
Send the completed application to: Louisiana Pardon Board Attn: Commutation Post Office Box 94304 Baton Rouge, LA 70804,
Note: Each question must be answered fully, truthfully, and accurately. Do not leave sections blank. It is the applicant's responsibility to submit a complete application. The application will not be processed until it is complete. If the application is incomplete, the applicant will be notified about the missing information. Additional documentation that is relevant to the application may also be attached. The submission of any false information is grounds for immediate denial of the application.
I certify that all statements and answers contained herein are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and with the information provided. I understand that any intentional misstatement of material facts contained in this application may cause adverse action to my application for commutation.
I understand that there is no appeal process upon denial of an application for commutation.
I understand that Louisiana Law requires that I pay an assessment fee of $200.00 to the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections for a clemency investigation that will be conducted by the Division of Probation & Parole.
have read and understand the commutation application instructions. By signing and submitting this application, I understand and voluntarily accept the terms of the commutation if it is approved. In making the application for a commutation from the Governor of the State of Louisiana, I do solemnly swear that I will be a law-abiding citizen and that I take this obligation freely and without any mental reservation whatsoever.
Carefully read this authorization to release information, then complete and sign.
I authorize any duly accredited representative of the Louisiana Pardon and Parole Board and/or the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections, to obtain any information relating to my activities from schools, residential management agents, employers, criminal justice agencies, retail business establishments, courts, or other sources of information. This information may include, but is not limited to, my academic, achievement, performance, attendance, and disciplinary; residential history, employment history, criminal history, including arrest, charges, conviction, and the pre-sentence investigation report, if any, medical, psychiatric/psychological and/or other, health care records; and financial, and credit information
I understand that, for financial or lending institutions, medical providers, and certain other sources of information, a separate specific release may be needed (pursuant to their request or as may be required by law), and I may be contacted for such a release at a later date.
I further authorize the Louisiana Pardon and Parole Board and/or the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections, or any other authorized state agency, to request criminal record information about me from criminal justice agencies for the purpose of determining my suitability for a commutation.
I authorize custodians of records and sources of information pertaining to me to release such information upon request of any duly accredited representative of the Louisiana Pardon and Parole Board and/or the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections or any state agency authorized above regardless of any previous agreement to the contrary. I understand that the information released by records custodians and sources of information is for official use by the State of Louisiana only for the purposes of processing my application for a commutation, and may be re-disclosed by the State of Louisiana only as authorized by law.
Copies of this authorization that show my signature are as valid as the original release signed by me. This authorization is valid for one (1) year from the date signed.