The FBI has created a webpage with resources for Bourbon Street New Years Day attack victims.
27268 Hwy. 21 North, Angie, LA 70426
Travis Day
The mission of Rayburn Correctional Center is to provide for the custody, control, care, and treatment of Department of Corrections incarcerated individuals through compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of programs that provide a public service and those designed to reintegrate the imprisoned person back into society while ensuring the safety of the public.
Our goals are to provide effective programs while maintaining a secure facility; to maintain credibility with the public; to obtain the maximum benefit from our resources; to promote ongoing staff development; and to encourage better communication within the institution, and with other agencies and the community.
To meet our goals, the following objectives will be met:
From Baton Rouge, go east on Interstate 12 to the second Covington exit. This will lead to Hwy. 190. Drive north on Highway 190 for approximately three miles. Merge to the right onto Hwy. 21. Go approximately 20 miles through Bush, Louisiana. Hwy. 21 will dead end. Turn left (north) through Sun, Bogalusa, and Varnado. The facility’s entrance, marked with a large sign, will be approximately 1.5 miles on the right past Varnado.
From New Orleans, cross the Causeway, which will become Highway 190. Travel on Highway 190 through Mandeville and Covington. Merge to the right onto Hwy. 21. Go approximately 20 miles through Bush, Louisiana. Hwy. 21 will dead end. Turn left (north) through Sun, Bogalusa, and Varnado. The facility’s entrance, marked with a large sign, will be approximately 1.5 miles on the right past Varnado.
Another option is to cross the twin spans on Interstate 10 from New Orleans East. Pass the I-12 interchange going north and take the Pearl River Exit. Take a left through Pearl River, crossing Hwy. 11. You will be on Hwy. 41. Stay on 41 to Bush and take a right on Highway 21. When Highway 21 dead ends, turn left (north) through Sun, Bogalusa, and Varnado. The facility’s entrance, marked with a large sign, will be approximately 1.5 miles on the right past Varnado. Follow directions above from Bush.
Individuals approved to visit people imprisoned at Rayburn Correctional Center should carefully read the listed rules and regulations that govern visiting below. Visitors are expected to comply with these requirements.
All visitors must appear on the incarcerated person’s visiting list. Approved visitors 18 years-of-age and above must present a picure identification to visit a person in prison. No identification is required for children under 15 years of age.
Dress Code
Visitors must be dressed appropriately. No tank tops, see-through clothing, low-cut articles of clothing exposing the upper torso, miniskirts or mini-dresses, or any form of seductive garments will be allowed. Shorts, skorts, and culottes must be no more than three inches above the knee. Visitors must wear full-length shirts (long or short-sleeve) and will not be allowed to wear the combination of blue jeans and blue chambray shirts, or blue jeans and gray or white sweat shirts or tee shirts. Shoes must be worn. Permitted shoes may include regular street shoes, tennis shoes designated for street wear, sandals and open-toed shoes. House slippers, beach sandals (thongs, flip-flops) and shower shoes are not permitted. Individuals improperly or inappropriately dressed will not be allowed to visit.
Facilities are not available for visitors who do not meet this dress code to change their clothing. Visitors who choose to change their clothing in order to be able to visit will be required to leave institutional grounds. They may then return when they have changed their clothing.
Visitors must declare all medications, including prescription and nonprescription medications, to the correctional officers at the Front Gate and visiting desk. Alcohol, cell phones, cameras, and any type of weapon or ammunition are prohibited on facility grounds. Such items should not be brought to the facility. However, in the event contraband items are in the visitor’s possession, they must be declared at the front gate. Visitors under the influence of any substance will not be allowed to visit and may be prohibited from future visits.
Visitors must park their vehicles in the designated Visitors’ Parking area. The vehicle’s keys should be removed from the vehicle and then locked. Personal possessions (i.e., wallets, cell phones, purses, cash) left in the vehicle should be secured in the trunk and/or locked glove compartment, if possible.
Visitors are limited to carrying no more than $50 into the fenced compound and/or picnic visiting area. They should bring sufficient change for the vending machines, as the staff is not permitted to make change. Imprisoned people are not allowed to handle money.
Visitors are not allowed to deliver anything to the imprisoned person through the Visiting Room. Visitors may bring photographs (no Polaroid or photo albums), however these photographs cannot be left with the imprisoned person.
Conduct of Visitors
Inappropriate actions or language by a visitor deemed too loud, disruptive, abusive, or threatening will not be tolerated. Such conduct will result in the immediate termination of the visit and possible denial of future visits.
Violations of applicable laws and/or institutional rules by an imprisoned person and/or visitor(s) may result in termination of the visit, the visitor’s removal from the imprisoned person’s visitor list, disciplinary action against the imprisoned person, and criminal prosecution against both parties.
Individuals who have been refused a visit will be required to leave the institutional grounds. Individuals traveling with visitors, but not visiting, must wait in their vehicle. Other than the designated visitor areas, neither visitors nor their traveling companions are allowed access to the facility beyond the visitor’s parking lot. They are also prohibited from talking, shouting, signaling, or passing anything to an imprisoned person.
Individuals, including minors, entering the facility are subject to searches of their property, automobile, and person.
Searches include but are not limited to: visual inspection of persons and property; pat-down searches of their person; inspection of their property by dogs trained to detect drugs, weapons, and other contraband; strip-search of their body; and searches of their body cavities. Introduction of contraband drugs, alcohol or weapons into the facility is a felony (Louisiana Revised Statute 14:402).
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are between 11:45 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. on Thursdays, and 8:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m., Friday through Sunday. Visitors must arrive at the facility’s front gate by 2:00 p.m. in order to be processed for visiting.
Number and Duration of Visits
Imprisoned people will be allowed six visitors at a time in the Visiting Room. Non-walking infants will be allowed as a seventh visitor. Approved visitors will generally be allotted two visits per month. Imprisoned people who are minimum custody and those participating in the PRESS program will be permitted three visits per month from their visitors.
Unless prior approval is obtained from the warden, visitors are allowed to visit only one imprisoned person at a time.
Generally, visits will be for two and a half (2.5) hours Thursday and Friday; and one and a half (1.5) hour Saturday and Sunday. Imprisoned individuals who are designated as minimum custody and/or have PRESS status will be permitted visits for three (3) hours. In case of overcrowding, these times may be shortened at the staff’s discretion.
Visiting by Minors
Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult who is also an approved visitor of the imprisoned person who the minor is visiting. All minors are required to be on the incarcerated person’s visitor list. The correctional officers may require that proof of a child’s age (birth certificate) be furnished on their next visit, if his/her age appears questionable. Adults will be responsible for the behavior of minors in their company. Children will not be left unattended on institutional grounds. Minor spouses or emancipated minors (Marriage Certificate/Judgment of Emancipation required as proof) are not required to have adult escorts.
Visitors are allowed to bring into the visiting areas two baby bottles per infant, three diapers and sufficient baby-wipes per infant, and a change purse/wallet.
Visitors are allowed to bring into the visiting areas two baby bottles per infant, three diapers and sufficient baby-wipes per infant, and a change purse/wallet.
Conduct of Visitors
Visitors may greet and bid the imprisoned person farewell with a non-passionate kiss and must be done so that others are not offended. Visitors may sit next to the imprisoned person. However, physical contact between the imprisoned person and adult visitors, other than holding hands, is not allowed.
Picnic Visits
Individuals approved for picnic visits should contact the Visiting Office for information on approved items.
Incarcerated individuals in a segregated housing unit will be restricted to no-contact visiting. Inmates found guilty of certain rule violations by the Disciplinary Board may be subject to no-contact visiting as determined by the Warden.
Number and Duration of Visits
Imprisoned people will be allowed one visit per day with up to two visitors. Visits will take place in the Visiting Room. Approved visitors will be allotted two visits per month. Visitors are allowed to visit only one imprisoned person at a time. Visits will be limited to 45 minutes. In case of overcrowding, visits may be shortened at the staff’s discretion.
Conduct of Visitors
Imprisoned people and their visitors will not be permitted to make any physical contact during their visits. No concessions will be sold during restricted visitation.
Restrictions on Visiting for People Convicted of Sex Offenses With Minors
In accordance with Department Regulation #OP-C-9, people in prison who have a current or prior conviction for a sex crime involving a minor child family member, or who have a documented history of sex abuse with a minor child family member, are ineligible to visit with any minor child, including their own biological or step-child.
People in prison who have a current or prior conviction for a sex crime involving a minor child who is not a family member are ineligible to visit with any minor child. However, at the Warden’s discretion, people with this type of conviction may be authorized to visit with their own biological child. The legal guardian shall submit a written request and shall accompany the minor child during the visit. If approved by the Warden, the visit may be contact or non-contact at the Warden’s discretion.
If an imprisoned person under such restriction feels that the determination has been made in error, he will have to provide documented proof (i.e., bill of information, arrest report) to the warden.
For more information on calling a person in prison on the phone or sending money to a person in prison, click here.
The Education Department recognizes that an imprisoned person’s education is related to the recidivism rate. People in prison demonstrating the desire, self-discipline, and motivation to achieve an improved level of education are offered the opportunity to do so. The Education Department’s goal is to provide each imprisoned individual, including those with physical, mental, emotional, and learning disabilities, the opportunity to improve his academic and/or vocational skills before release. All programs are voluntary but, once registered, a student must attend.
Daytime Classes
The Education Coordinator supervises all academic and vocational programs. Admittance to the education program is voluntary. Students are expected to show progress in their classes.
Evening Classes
The Education Coordinator also administers Northshore Community College Extension programs. While admittance to the programs is voluntary, the callouts are mandatory. Imprisoned people attending mandatory callout programs will be dropped from the course after their second unexcused absence.
Available Programs
The Education Department provides people in prison with the opportunity to participate in various education programs.
Daytime Programs:
Evening Programs:
This program provides one-on-one student instruction. Students are enrolled part-time and are awarded certificates of achievement upon completion of the course. This program, under the supervision of the Education Coordinator, hires full-time staff instructors and imprisoned people who serve as full-time tutors to teach students. Imprisoned people who work as tutors receive training from the staff certified trainer and certification from DPS&C.
HSE (High School Equivalency) Preparation
Students who complete literacy continue part-time classes as they progress from a TABE level of 5.0 to 8.0, when they move to all day Pre-HSE Class.
The Pre-HSE class is available to people in prison with an assessed TABE score of 8.0 – 10.5 on a D level test. The curriculum is designed to ready the student for the HSE program over a three month period. When the target score is reached, students are advanced to HSE.
The HSE class is available to people in prison with an assessed TABE score level of 10.5 or above on a D-level TABE. The curriculum is designed to prepare the student for the HSE exam in three months or less. Students who successfully complete the HSE program will receive a High School Equivalency Diploma.
Adult Basic Education
The Adult Basic Education Program is available to people in prison with a diploma whose TABE scores are too low to qualify for vocational training or college courses. After remediation in areas of weakness, students retake the TABE test. When they reach the appropriate level for the course in which they desire to enroll, they have completed ABE.
Vocational Training Diploma Program
Northshore Technical College – Sullivan Campus
The Education Department, in cooperation with Northshore Technical College – Sullivan Campus (NTC), offers competency-based curricula supported by appropriate materials and classroom resources. Instructors are certified or approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and/or the Louisiana Department of Education and/or the Counsel on Occupational Education.
The vocational programs offered by NTC include: Welding, Automotive and Building Technology.
People in prison who successfully complete a vocational course will receive a diploma for that skill. Where available, national certification tests will be offered allowing students to obtain certification that is recognized by a national body.
Two fast-track programs for imprisoned people who do not have time to complete a diploma program are also available. Fast Track Welding and Fast Track Automotive give imprisoned people entry level skills in those fields. These are one semester programs and the student earns a Technical Competency Certificate upon completion.
Job/Life Skills
This is a six-month course designed to enhance the employability of people releasing from prison. Students acquire basic computer literacy and typing skills, formulate a resume’, and learn job search skills.
Northshore Community College Extension
The College program is available to high school and GED graduates who score at 10.5 or higher on an A level TABE. People in prison work toward an associate degree in general studies with a concentration in business, paralegal, or religion. To obtain the degree, students must complete 60 hours of credits. All classes are transferable to other Louisiana state institutions of higher learning. Upon release, students can continue their education at a community college or university.
Participation is by application, acceptance, and mandatory callout. People in prison who are absent for more than two callouts will be removed from the program.
A paralegal certificate consisting of six paralegal classes and a remedial English class is offered through NTCC. Applicants must have a high school diploma or HSE and score an 11.0 or higher on a D level TABE. Although no degree is awarded, students will receive a certificate and will accumulate 18 hours in the field of paralegal. These classes are transferable to other institutions of higher learning. The paralegal program is required of all imprisoned people who serve as counsel substitutes.
Philosophy and Goals
The Education Department continues to strive for excellence in all phases of an imprisoned person’s rehabilitation. Many of the people in prison desire to break the vicious chain of recidivism. As an imprisoned person’s education increases he begins to realize the various opportunities that are open to him upon release. True rehabilitation is possible when alternate opportunities are available through education and job skills.
People coming to RCC to serve time for a state felony meet with a reentry transition specialist within the first month of their arrival to begin or continue with rehabilitation programming. This initial assessment is done to determine where the imprisoned person is presently in the rehabilitation process. Whether his incarceration time is six months, six years, or more, he will be guided on a yearly basis through the use of an annual assessment to project his progress.
If the imprisoned person is identified as high risk and within five years of his earliest release date, he will meet with a committee to work a more thorough and comprehensive case plan. All plans culminate with a pre-release program (2 years of the imprisoned person’s earliest release date) which covers 100 hours of orientation and classroom topic including but not limited to:
Additionally, the Reentry program at RCC has the responsibility and an obligation to the public and to the imprisoned person to work collaboratively with surrounding communities at establishing new supports, and enhancing existing programs for imprisoned people while they are housed at RCC. This often includes introducing people in prison to available support programs in the community to which they are returning (housing, employment, and self-help) for a successful transition back to society.